Owning a home is one of the most aspiring things a new family strives to achieve, but with that title comes a ton of new responsibilities that you can’t just call your landlord to complain about anymore – you need to fix it yourself or hire someone.
Even if you’re not one to become a DIYer, there are some tips to fixing easy repairs you need to learn about to save you time and money.
It is time to roll up your sleeves and take a few minutes to check out our two-part series (Including videos) of 24 Home Repair Tips and Tricks to Save Time and Money.
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Be sure to check out: 47 actionable DIY home repair tips here & 27 Clever Home Repair Tips and a shout out to Porch.com for providing a great annual easy repair checklist.
Have a favorite DIY home repair tip to share? Leave a comment, or join our facebook group and tell us about it : )
…Without further ado:
#1 How to Repair a Door Jamb
This DIY dude shows you how to repair a door jamb with a few affordable household items including Elmer’s glue, Q-tip, and four clamps while allowing the glue to cure for 24 hours.
Video Source: HowToWith GEO
#2 Fixing a Leaking Toilet Bowl
Here we have a video of a pro showing you three reasons why your toilet bowl is leaking. First, Bad wax ring, second broken closet flange, and third cracked bowl. He later explains how to fix each one in this detailed video.
Video Source: Jeff Patterson – Home Repair Tutor
#3 Fix Garbage Disposal
Here we have the Klutz Guide to several methods to repairing your garbage disposal without hiring an outside source. Along with showing you how to fix your disposal he later shares tips on how to properly use to avoid needing future repairs. The guy has lived life and is sharing his experience. Great video and terrific how-to details.
Video Source: The Klutz’s Guide To Saving Money on Home Repair Bills
#4 Fix Garage Door Opener
In this video, DIY Tinker gives us a how-to on repairing a garage door opener that has a chain that came loose and popped off the gear. He’s not a professional but a handy DIYer.
Video Source: DIY Tinker
#5 Fix a Leaky Faucet
A ‘HowToLou’ goes into great detail in this video on how to repair a leaky faucet and he also has links to repairing leaking tubs. He will share what parts you will need at the hardware store and he’s quite informative.
Video Source: HowToLou.com
#6 Fix a Hole in Drywall
A somewhat quirky video, but very helpful nonetheless. It’s a detailed video on how to repair a hole in your drywall. Very simple instructions.
Video Source: Howdini
#7 How to Fix a Hole in a Door
In this video, the DIYer adopted a door from a neighbor that was going to trash it. However, this dude in the video saw a salvageable door. Follow him as he shows you a clever way of repairing a hollow interior door.
Video Source: Jonathan Brunner
#8 Refrigerator Repair
In this how-to video, you will learn more about the top refrigerator issue that most homes endure – Defrosting. Applianceassistant.com will go into detail about how to fix Freezer related matters such as a ticking sound coming from the freezer and much, much more. Check it out!!
Video Source: applianceassistant.com
#9 How to Replace a Thermostat
In this informative video, you will learn how to replace your home’s central air conditioning system and the how-to guide is detailed with a walk through for each step with an explanation for each step.
Video Source: Las Vegas Air Conditioning, Inc.
#10 Repair Leaky Shower Head
An extremely informative tutorial on how to repair a leaky shower head reducing the chance of your water pressure becoming ruined with a few household items. Tools/materials you’ll need: Adjustable pliers, scissors, electrical tape, Teflon tape; paint thinner and an old rag.
Video Source: lowes.com
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